Work History

Jaime Minton



Project Manager for the Supervisor of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast of the United States Navy. Senior Electronics Technician with over 21 years of successful experience in communication and navigational maritime electronic equipment. Retired Chief Petty Officer (E-7) with the United States Coast Guard with a Bachelor's Degree in Emergency and Disaster Management. Exemplary leaderships skills, adaptability, and technical prowess performing acquisition oversight to multiple complex projects, while simultaneously fostering a positive work environment and balancing the needs of the international maritime community. Demonstrates exceptional organizational skills, oral and written communications, and team coordination efforts with office personnel and decision-makers, resulting in outstanding contract acquisition management. Excellent reputation for resolving problems through policy development, ultimately improving quality of service and customer satisfaction.


years of professional experience

Work History

Project Manager

US DoN, Supervisor Of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast C612
11.2023 - Current

Serves as Project Manager to the construction of Towing, Salvage, and Rescue (T-ATS) Ship Program, enforcing contract compliance through major construction milestones and promoting on-time delivery of ships to the Navy fleet. Provides guidance, motivation, oversite, and mentoring to project office team members while managing project goals, planning and allocating support staff and associated budgets. Streamlines traditional naval shipbuilding project management practices by implementing Agile product development techniques and methodologies, resulting in increased efficiency, flexibility, innovation, and collaboration among the program and project office. Encourages effective communication between Supervisor of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast (SSGC), NAVSEA 05 SDM, SUPSALV, PEO Ships, contractors and industry partners for enhanced transparency and alignment of objectives towards successful project completion. Manages cross-functional teams to ensure efficient allocation of resources to daily tasking. Coordinates with stakeholders to review contract specification requirements and guides the shipbuilder through production obstacles requiring technical concurrence from the Navy's engineering community and its customer for resolution. Resolves conflicts stemming from contract interpretation differences, resulting in clear paths forward for the program. Promotes communication between all parties to come to amicable and well thought out solutions that support mission goals and objectives, resulting in higher quality First of Class production. Improves schedule stability, programmatic cost reductions, and improved construction quality through the implementation of lessons learned and continuous improvement to quality assurance processes of production and test activities. Conducts weekly briefs on performance issues observed with the Navy program office, technical community, fleet representative, and shipbuilder management. Creates corrective action plans which facilitate quicker shipbuilder engagement by establishing precedents and ultimately improving schedule adherence and lead ship risk reduction.

Project Manager

US DoN, Supervisor Of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast C112
02.2023 - 11.2023

Responsible for the overall project management and technical control of all production, testing, system integration, and post-delivery support for the Mine Countermeasure Unmanned Surface Vessel (MCM USV) for Supervisor of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast (SSGC) C112. Provides day to day communications between the shipbuilder and NAVSEA Program Office, delivering routine continuity as a reliable and effective liaison between all program constituents. Prepares and presents program management reviews and Command deep dive briefs to evaluate compliance with policy objectives and standards, monitors overall effectiveness of project construction and shipbuilding operations, provides operational risk assessments to both contract schedule and cost, and provides assistance in the solution of specific management and technical problems. Demonstrates exceptional performance in facilitating partnerships between the Program Office, Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City (NSWC PC), and SSGC's technical community through the development of a Memorandum of Agreement, in conjunction with the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Delegation Matrix, to use for the MCM USV program. Generated new policy for the MCM USV program by implementing a Contract Problem Identification Report (CPIR), a tool for identifying and tracking the nature of a contract problem or deficiency, the direct and consequential effects of said problem, and the Contractor's recommended solution between the shipbuilder, the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO), the Program Office, and SSGC C112. Performs complex reviews of contract data requirement list (CDRL) submittals in accordance with contract requirements by the shipbuilder to PMS 420. Formulates recommendations of shipbuilder’s testing methodology and trial execution against contract requirements and SSGC expectations. Develops staffing plans with LA DET Test Team to ensure testing and trial coverage is available for multiple project office throughout the area, while simultaneously providing support during material condition inspections conducted by INSURV during Acceptance Trials. Builds team cohesiveness among the various SSGC departments by partnering with supervisors to ensure quality assurance callouts and safety inspections are present, timely, and properly documented. Performed timely reviews as a panel member in this year’s Quality Step Increase Award process for C180. Trains newly assigned personnel to C112 and LA DET on organizational structure, contractual actions in work, business processes and best practices, and innovative solutions to problem solving throughout SSGC's areas of responsibility.

Electronics Technician

US DoN, Supervisor Of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast C115
07.2021 - 02.2023

Test Lead and Subject Matter Expert on Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Navigation (C4N) Systems for the Ship to Shore Connector (SSC) Landing Air Cushion (LCAC) program. Responsible for executing a thorough and cohesive analysis and evaluation of the SSC test program, ensuring electrical/electronics systems and their components are properly installed and operable in accordance with the requirements of the contractual specifications. Demonstrated leadership and professionalism with the shipbuilder to implement lessons learned, optimize operations, institute best practices, and overcome technical issues. Successfully conducted Builders Trials and Acceptance Trials on SSC LCAC craft in response to Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) Sequence No. A049, serving as a lead role and communication liaison with INSURV for various trial decks on four separate SSC craft. Collaborated with multiple stakeholders, including the shipbuilder, INSURV, NAVSEA, SUPSHIPGC technical community, NSWC Panama City, end-user and post delivery support team, on four craft to ensure trial cards were properly screened and cleared, and the craft was ready for delivery. Served as the primary custodian for the control of classified material held by C115 and provides necessary classified keymat for secure communications during BT and AT evolutions. Instrumental in maturing the shipbuilders process for navigation and communication testing and sought out by the program office and fleet counterparts for guidance on craft during production, test, and post-delivery. Worked independently from the majority of the Command overseeing production activities, quality assurance inspections, executing Fuel, Main Engine Light Off (MELO) and C4N Navigation Underway milestones, conducting tests, and managing upwards of six trials per year with the onsite personnel taking on tasks and responsibilities often shared among the matrixed codes in larger shipyards. Routinely provided operational risk management (ORM) briefs to the Program Executive Office (PEO) and input to COMPASS for upcoming trials. Contributed noteworthy recommendations on acquisition strategy, schedule management, technical issue solutions, metrics, change implementation, GFE material management, and post-delivery support, as well as process and procurement development. In-depth knowledge of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) regulations for building and classing maritime vessels. Familiar with technical requirements of MIL-SPEC material for shipboard use. Assisted other developing project offices with development of processes and procedures, milestone and trial planning, and other project management activities. Engaged in Command development through innovation practices on iNation, actively engaged in participation and feedback for DEOCS, and is engaged in Building Leaders at All Levels (BLAAL).

Service Engineer

Rio Marine Electronics Inc.
09.2020 - 05.2021

Electronics service engineer for inland vessels and the articulated tow barge fleet throughout Louisiana. Solely responsible for all service calls and service coordination efforts for navigational and communication equipment within the greater New Orleans area. Job functions include the troubleshooting, repair, and installation of electronic systems at customer's request. Frequent travel and 24-hour response required to maintain operational readiness and Coast Guard compliance for the maritime community. Outfitted wheelhouses with FURUNO radar, Automatic Identification System (AIS), Global Positioning System (GPS), and Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) on new commissionings. Interfaced Rose Point marine navigational software with all onboard electronics for prioritization of sensor management and safe waterway navigation. Installed commercial VHF radio systems in accordance with GMDSS radio carriage requirements.

Commercial Field Service Technician

08.2019 - 05.2020

Commercial Field Service Technician for the maritime vessel fleet. Position required a high degree of technical knowledge on all Furuno commercial products. Job functions include technical support, troubleshooting, repair, project coordination, service coordination, installation of new equipment, and customer and dealer training. Frequent travel was required with coverage area including all of North America. Additional administrative duties were required, including service reports, travel expense reports, application specific equipment training syllabus, training reports and generation of equipment and consumable material lists. Displayed outstanding customer interaction with a positive and approachable attitude, keeping the customers view of Furuno’s product line and service at the highest standards.

Chief Electronics Assistant Rating Knowledge Manager

United States Coast Guard
07.2018 - 07.2019

ET ARKM position for the Electronics Technician Rating of the United States Coast Guard, demonstrating excellent leadership and managerial skills in the generation and implementation of Coast Guard policy for the Electronics Technician community and Training Center Petaluma schoolhouse. Position required the organization and dissemination of learning resources and references as the Subject Matter Expert for 1200 personnel in the Electronics Technician rating. Maintained an online reference library and test item database for the Electronics Technician fleet. Reviewed and responded to all challenges relating to the validity of Electronics Technician items from test takers, while ensuring all rating advancement test items were technically accurate and validated to match current Rating Performance Qualifications and references. Reviewed the statistical analysis of the Electronics Technician servicewide examination to ensure test items were performed as forecasted, and adjusted test items as necessary for future assessments. Provided both oral and written presentations to highlight military retention issues throughout the various enlisted ranks of the Electronics rate for Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington D.C. Hosted two virtual learning conventions for over 300 junior personnel in preparation of the Electronics Technician servicewide examination. An active member of the Chief Petty Officer mess, participating as a sponsor and mentor to Chief Petty Officers during three separate Chiefs Call to Indoctrination (CCTI) events. Volunteered for 15 community service projects and led a half marathon running team in the Armed Forces Half Marathon in 2019. Qualified as the Officer of the Day, responsible for the safety and security of the military training facility, its tenant commands, and all personnel assigned to the Coast Guard base.

Chief Electronics Technician

United States Coast Guard
12.2014 - 06.2018

Displayed exceptional technical proficiency and professional oversight on all preventive and corrective maintenance for the communication and navigational suites onboard the USCGC MOHAWK (WMEC-913), resulting in the interdiction of 11 drug-laden vessels, the seizure of over 8,000 kilograms of cocaine, and the detention of 36 suspected smugglers for prosecution in U.S. courts. Division Chief Petty Officer to 28 junior personnel throughout a four year tenure, supervising shipboard oversight on 7 drydock and dockside availabilities, as well as 16 major electronic shipboard system installations, and day to day operations of all electronic and information workstation systems onboard. Combat Systems Training Team Leader to 32 personnel, responsible for the submission and satisfactory completion of all required annual Combat System shipboard training requirements. Helicopter Control Officer, directly supporting all launch, recovery, and fueling evolutions of the HITRON HH-65 aircraft for Airbourne Use of Force and drug interdiction operations. Migrant Watchstander, facilitating the process and care of 572 migrants interdicted at sea with limited personnel and resources. Chair of the Leadership Diversity Advisory Council. Runner-up for the National Master Chief Petty Officer Faurie Women's Leadership Award in 2018. Qualified as Officer of the Day, responsible for the safety and security of the cutter and its personnel.

Chief Electronics Technician

United States Coast Guard
05.2013 - 12.2014

Effectively served as the Base Miami Beach Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Information Technology primary procurement and funds administrator for the Electronics Division's annual budget of $125K. Executed timely coordination of six Electronic Systems Support Detachments, eight Product Lines, and the C4IT Service Center to proficiently procure parts for over 500 electronic systems' discrepancies throughout the United States Coast Guard District Seven area of responsibility. Provided keen analytical insight and mission support to the generating policies and implementing revision of three existing process guides to improve maintenance support Coast Guard wide for 1200 Electronic Technicians.

Electronics Technician First Class

United States Coast Guard
04.2006 - 04.2013

Played a vital role to the ship's operational success during 750 days deployed at sea, while conducting interagency and multi-national operational support of the U.S. strategic security and homeland defense missions, including multi-national at-sea exercises UNITAS and PANAMAX, and deploying to West Africa in support of the U.S. Africa Command Combatant Commander. First Class Petty Officer and supervisor to 14 technicians, training them in the diagnostic testing processes and troubleshooting procedures, in collaboration with product engineers, to identify, define, and resolve navigational and communication equipment issues while deployed underway. Exceptional role model that led the Electronics division through 200 major system installations and grooms, improving all sensor and communication suites onboard. Damage Control Training Team member, mentoring all 100 junior officers and enlisted crew members onboard through basic and advanced damage control techniques of firefighting, flooding, and toxic gas. Morale Petty Officer and Chair of the Human Relations Committee. Runner-up for the National Master Chief Petty Officer Faurie Women's Leadership Award in 2009.

Electronics Technician

United States Coast Guard
03.1999 - 03.2006

Multiple duty stations as a junior Electronics Technician, specializing in HF, VHF, and UHF line-of-sight and satellite communication systems. Experienced in the timely completion of over 4,250 preventive and corrective maintenance procedures cards throughout the Coast Guard. Expertly managed the validation and enrollment of Coast Guard assets into the new business model of mission support. Facilitated team cohesion in the successful correction of 81 TEMPEST violations, saving the Coast Guard roughly $50K in contractor repairs. Coordinated efforts with County officials to utilize city generators to restore DGPS High-Sites following a power outage to ensure safe maritime navigation until repairs could be conducted.


Bachelor of Arts - Emergency And Disaster Management

American Public University System
Charles Town, WV

Associate of Arts - General Studies

American Public University System
Charles Town, WV


  • Project Planning and Management
  • Contract Execution and Deliverables
  • Technical Specifications
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration
  • Testing, Trials, and Lien Adjudication for DD-250
  • Risk management processes and analysis
  • Stakeholder Communications
  • Team Leadership and Facilitation


DAWIA Engineering & Technical Management Level 1 (in process)

Contracting Officer's Representative Level 1 (in-process)

Building Leaders at All Levels- Leadership Level 3

SAPR Victim Advocate

Team Facilitator

FCC GROL with Radar Endorsement



Project Manager

US DoN, Supervisor Of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast C612
11.2023 - Current

Project Manager

US DoN, Supervisor Of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast C112
02.2023 - 11.2023

Electronics Technician

US DoN, Supervisor Of Shipbuilding Gulf Coast C115
07.2021 - 02.2023

Service Engineer

Rio Marine Electronics Inc.
09.2020 - 05.2021

Commercial Field Service Technician

08.2019 - 05.2020

Chief Electronics Assistant Rating Knowledge Manager

United States Coast Guard
07.2018 - 07.2019

Chief Electronics Technician

United States Coast Guard
12.2014 - 06.2018

Chief Electronics Technician

United States Coast Guard
05.2013 - 12.2014

Electronics Technician First Class

United States Coast Guard
04.2006 - 04.2013

Electronics Technician

United States Coast Guard
03.1999 - 03.2006

Associate of Arts - General Studies

American Public University System

DAWIA Engineering & Technical Management Level 1 (in process)

Contracting Officer's Representative Level 1 (in-process)

Building Leaders at All Levels- Leadership Level 3

SAPR Victim Advocate

Team Facilitator

FCC GROL with Radar Endorsement


Bachelor of Arts - Emergency And Disaster Management

American Public University System
Jaime Minton